new Teachers Pay Teachers store sellers
are concerned with the number of products. No doubt having numerous products
increases the likelihood of being found in the search engines, either TPT or
Google, to name the most significant). However, very few sellers try to
revitalize those products that are not selling. And they are not selling for a
reason. Here I will give you my opinion on what to do in case a product is not
selling after a few months in TPT.
Change the price: If after a few
months, from 3 to 6 I would suggest, the product is not selling is time to
change the price. Do a search in the TPT search box and check for similar
products and see the prices they are asking for them.
2. Change
the product title: I used the word "typeface" in one of my products
and nobody bought it. I checked the TpT Seller's
Handbook with Top Keywords and I did a search in TPT. I realized that
nobody was looking for that term. Instead, people were looking for
"font". I changed the product title and I started selling my product
almost overnight.
Change the product description. The
product description has to be aligned with the product title. Both should pursue
the same keyword(s) (ex. "fonts") instead of different terms (ex.
"fonts" vs. "typefaces"). Check the handbook and make sure
that the "density" (# times you repeat the keyword) of the keyword
that you use is the appropriate.
4. Change the cover pictures and samples. If you check your statistics and few people
downloaded your preview, this means that the product is not appealing to
buyers. You have to apply tips 1-3. If this does not work, then change the
cover picture and the samples and see what happens.
5. Change the preview. If you check your statistics and many people
downloaded your preview but few bought the product, this means that the preview
may not be appealing. It is time to change it. Look around and download
previews from successful sellers and see how they do it.
voila! You have a new product!
These ideas depend on the time you have been selling in TPT and other factors.
Take them with a pinch of salt. They have proved to be valuable for me. And I
am pretty sure they can help many of you.
are other strategies that you are using to revamp your products? Share with us
and please leave a post!
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